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    How to I obtain a certificate?

    If you are a graduate, and have the dni-e (e-id), check on the following list whether your university is affiliated to the eTítulo project and access the online request services from this link.

    • List of Universities affiliated to the eTítulo Project
    • University of Almería
    • San Jorge University
    • University of Zaragoza
    • Abat Oliba CEU University
    • IE University
    • University of Cádiz
    • Valencian International University (VIU)
    • University of Seville
    • University of Cantabria
    • University of Burgos
    • International University of La Rioja (UNIR)
    • Pompeu Fabra University
    • Rey Juan Carlos University
    • University of Vic Central Catalonia
    • University of Extremadura
    • International University of Catalonia
    • University of Salamanca
    • Castilla – La Mancha University